What is the Rating of Calvert County Public Schools? A Comprehensive Guide

Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) has an overall rating of 3 stars according to GreatSchools. Learn more about CCPS ratings and how to choose the best school for your child.

What is the Rating of Calvert County Public Schools? A Comprehensive Guide

Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS) is a district that has been claimed by the district or by a representative of the school district. As a result, each public school in Calvert County has established an “in-house emergency crisis team” to ensure the safety and well-being of its students. CCPS is in the state average of 75% of Maryland schools that have earned a 3, 4, or 5 star rating according to GreatSchools, a leading non-profit organization that provides high-quality information to help parents get the best education for their children, schools that strive for excellence, and communities that work to reduce educational inequalities. GreatSchools is an invaluable resource for parents who want to ensure their children receive the best education possible.

The ratings provided by GreatSchools are based on test scores, college readiness, student progress, and other factors. The ratings range from 1 to 10 stars, with 10 being the highest rating. Calvert County Public Schools has an overall rating of 3 stars. This rating is based on test scores, college readiness, student progress, and other factors.

The school district also has a number of individual schools with higher ratings. For example, Huntingtown High School has a rating of 5 stars and Northern High School has a rating of 4 stars. It is important to remember that these ratings are only one part of the equation when it comes to choosing a school for your child. Other factors such as the quality of teachers, extracurricular activities, and the overall atmosphere of the school should also be taken into consideration. Calvert County Public Schools is committed to providing its students with a quality education and strives to ensure that all students have access to the resources they need to succeed.

The district's commitment to excellence is evident in its 3 star rating from GreatSchools. Parents who are looking for more information about Calvert County Public Schools can visit the district's website or contact their local school board for more information about their child's education. Additionally, parents can use GreatSchools' ratings as a starting point when researching schools in their area. By taking into account all of these factors when choosing a school for their child, parents can be sure that they are making an informed decision that will provide their child with the best possible education.

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